Government Support For Individuals and Businesses
Government-backed loans to businesses
Information about the Business Interruption Loan Scheme
Business Rates reliefs
Business Rates Relief has been updated removing exclusions for this relief so that retail, leisure, and hospitality properties that have been forced to close will now be eligible for the relief
Direct business grants
Guidance for businesses including information on Small Business Grant Scheme and the Retail and Hospitality Grant Scheme
Supporting the self-employed
Measures to support self-employed people are now available. Further information on the Self-employment Income Support Scheme has been published along with a frequently asked questions page.
VAT Deferral
Further guidance on the deferral of VAT payments due to coronavirus has been published.
Tax – Improved Time To Pay arrangements
An HMRC helpline has been launched to help businesses concerned about paying their tax due to coronavirus (COVID-19). The helpline allows any business or self-employed individual who is concerned about paying their tax due to coronavirus to get practical help and advice. The new number is 0800 024 1222
International Business Operations
Updates to the Guidance for UK businesses trading internationally, including a business support helpline
General Guidance for employees/employers and Businesses
Guidance for employees, employers and businesses including
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