
Predictable income in an uncertain world

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Predictable income in an uncertain world

Savers and Investors are currently facing double headwinds. With inflation running at a 30 year high, deposit accounts are a complete non-starter if looking for real returns after inflation. However, current market volatility may make some investors nervous about investing in the financial markets at the current time. So, is there a way to generate real returns in the current climate with relative security? The simple answer, is yes. Asset backed lending.

What is Asset Backed Lending?

The concept of asset backed lending is simple. Traditional lending involves you depositing capital at a bank, the bank  finding opportunities that earn THEM money and then lending it out to them. Ascot Wealth Management are able to advise on opportunities where you lend directly to the lender, cutting out the bank and generating you far greater potential returns than is possible from bank bonds. What makes these particularly great for a large variety of clients, is the degree of asset backing. We have loans that clients currently hold that earn 9.52% per annum and the amount lent is equal to 50% of the security backing the loan (Loan to Value, LTV). In basic terms, this would mean that the value of the underlying security (often property) to halve before capital is at risk.

Who Will Benefit?

Lending principally appeals to 3 main client types; those in or near retirement, Higher Net Worth (HNW) clients & clients with Inheritance Tax (IHT) considerations. Retirement age clients particularly value the contracted interest payments while retaining the capital value of their portfolios, unlike annuities & defined benefit pensions. HNW clients benefit from the diversification of their portfolio beyond traditional, more volatile asset classes. Finally, those concerned about taxation at later life may be able to benefit from removal of IHT concerns through possible lending through a Business Relief (BR) qualifying entity.

What Are My Options?

At Ascot Wealth Management, we advise asset backed lending via 3 methods.

1 – We work via our sourcing partners to discover lending opportunities, backed by either property and/or a charge on business assets, which pass our lending criteria.

The opportunities then pass through our due diligence process, which typically involves analysis of the valuation report(s), report on title, analysis of borrower accounts, site visits and comparison with similar assets in order to check the validity of provided analysis.

If we are then happy to recommend the opportunity, we recommend each one individually to you, whereby we outline:

  • The total loan amount
  • Interest Rate offered
  • Loan Term
  • Value of the asset backing
  • Reason for lending
  • Exit Plan

2 – If the first option feels too administration intense, Ascot Wealth Management are able to offer a discretionary management service whereby we allocate your capital in to loans that have passed our due diligence processes.

The loans that we allocate your capital in to are the same as those advised in option one, we just remove the need to respond quickly to first-come-first-served opportunities so that we ensure that you are allocated to these opportunities.

3 – We manage a client-owned limited company that is dedicated to lending to asset backed opportunities and Small & Medium Businesses. This company is able the operate across many more sources simultaneously; this reduces the time spent in between lending opportunities whereby returned capital is spent idle. Furthermore, all of the administration is handled by the company management, thereby minimising your administrative burden. Through the dedicated management of this approach, last year the portfolio generated a return of over 7%.


In summary, no matter what your situation, Ascot Wealth Management could have a solution for your needs that can involve asset backed lending and help you reduce or eliminate the headwinds of inflation and market volatility.

Contact us today to see how we can help your needs.

Written by: Sam Hallet

25 February 2022

Please note that these types of products are not suitable for all clients and that this should not be taken as personal advice. All investments can go up and down in value and therefore you could get back less than you invest. Past performance is not a guide to the future.

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Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference 551744. Our registered office: Scotch Corner, London Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0ER. Registered in England No. 7428363. www.old.ascotwm.com Unless otherwise stated, the information in this document was valid on 3rd February 2017. Not all the services and investments described are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Tax, trust and company administration services are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The services described may not be suitable for all and you should seek appropriate advice. This document is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purpose or sale of any financial instrument by Ascot Wealth Management Limited. The information and opinions expressed herein are considered valid at publication, but are subject to change without notice and their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission. © 2017 Ascot Wealth Management Ltd. Please note: This website uses cookies. To continue to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used. 

16 March – MORTGAGES – Webinar

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Join Mark and Nwabisa on the 16th of March for 45 minutes to and 1 hour for an in depth look into the current “hot topics” mortgage market.


  • Should you pay an early repayment charge to benefit from a lower fixed rate now?
  • Cladding and EWS1 Reports – Implications for your investment property
  • Green Mortgages
  • House Price Moves

Those who register to the event will be sent reminder emails prior to the webinar.

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

Register Here

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Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference 551744. Our registered office: Scotch Corner, London Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0ER. Registered in England No. 7428363. www.old.ascotwm.com Unless otherwise stated, the information in this document was valid on 3rd February 2017. Not all the services and investments described are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Tax, trust and company administration services are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The services described may not be suitable for all and you should seek appropriate advice. This document is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purpose or sale of any financial instrument by Ascot Wealth Management Limited. The information and opinions expressed herein are considered valid at publication, but are subject to change without notice and their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission. © 2017 Ascot Wealth Management Ltd. Please note: This website uses cookies. To continue to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used. 

Positive returns in negative markets. Is it possible?

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Positive returns in negative markets, is it possible?

The current market climate is volatile. Equity market returns over the past year are close to zero, with any gains in 2021 lost over December and January. So, how are we able to generate returns of over 7% for our clients when faced with high market volatility?

Structured Products

AWM are well versed in the research and advice of Structured Products. At the most basic level, these contracts derive their returns from prescribed conditions on an underlying asset or index  (such as the FTSE 100). At present, plans are available with up to 13.25% return per annum and products that generate a return even if the underlying falls by up to 40%. This can all be attained while having complete capital protection (up to £85,000 per counterparty) if investing in a deposit plan.

Who Will Benefit?

2 popular types of clients who would benefit from Structured Products are those in retirement (or nearing retirement) and high-net worth clients. A large reason for this is the degree of market protection offered in the plans. There are currently plans on offer that require the market to fall by more than 40% at the end of the contract before your capital is at risk due to market movements. As a result, clients can be more certain about the value of their portfolio in this volatile environment.

What Are The Different options?

Structured products either pay out their returns based on the value of the contract at certain dates (capital growth) or as income throughout the plan. Income plans are particularly popular with retirees. Unlike annuities, income plans allow retirees the possibility to receive an income while retaining the benefit of maintaining the capital value of their accumulated pension. While capital growth plans tend to have higher return potential and are therefore popular with clients who have utilised all of their annual allowances due to the differences in taxation.

Plans can either pay out returns at the end of the contract or mature early (Kick-Out). Kick out plans tend to be the most popular type of plan as they are the most likely product to generate a return. This is because they have opportunities during the plan length to mature early with positive returns, rather than risk market conditions at a later point. The increased likelihood of positive growth makes these particularly popular with clients.

Is Now A Good Time For Structured Products?

So, why is now a particularly good time to invest in structured products? Volatility feeds in to how Structured Product is “priced” by the counter parties. When volatility increases, so does the potential returns written in to the contracts. Furthermore, as central bank interest rates are increasing, this tends to feed in to the interest charged between banks (and therefore the capital at risk structured products). As both of these factors are high or increasing in the immediate future, Structured Products are proving to be a popular method of defined returns with a degree of capital protection.

How Can We Help?

Portfolio diversification and a degree of certainty can help investors gain positive returns in flat or negative markets. There are certain ways in which investors should aim to diversify their structured product portfolio. This is done by looking at features of the plans:

  • Have structured products linked to different indexes. For example, the FTSE 100, Euro Stoxx or the S&P 500.
  • Use different counter parties. By doing this, if the counter-party does default, then you don’t lose the money held in all your plans. While it is important for a counter-party to have a good credit rating, this is not regularly updated. Therefore we also look at credit default swap pricing which gives a real time indication of the reliability of the counter-party.
  • Vary the type of plan. This can be done through choosing between deposit, income or kick out plans. It can also be done through choosing between types of kick out plans.

At Ascot Wealth Management we can look at your risk appetite and financial aims to choose the Structured Products best suited to you. We will  do the research to find the best return rates in the market for the products we would recommend and help you fully understand your investments.

Written by: Alice Frost

14 February 2022

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Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference 551744. Our registered office: Scotch Corner, London Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0ER. Registered in England No. 7428363. www.old.ascotwm.com Unless otherwise stated, the information in this document was valid on 3rd February 2017. Not all the services and investments described are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Tax, trust and company administration services are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The services described may not be suitable for all and you should seek appropriate advice. This document is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purpose or sale of any financial instrument by Ascot Wealth Management Limited. The information and opinions expressed herein are considered valid at publication, but are subject to change without notice and their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission. © 2017 Ascot Wealth Management Ltd. Please note: This website uses cookies. To continue to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used. 

23 February – TAX YEAR END – Webinar

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This month, on the 23rd of February, we will be focusing on Tax Year-End planning strategies. With tax year-end approaching, it’s important to keep on top of the annual allowances to be able to maximise your tax benefits. 

Join Greg and Claire on the 23rd of February for 45 minutes to and 1 hour of learning how to capitalise on the coming tax year end. 


What will be covered?

  • The why and how to use your annual allowance for Junior ISA, ISA, Pensions & Gifting
  • How to use annual exemption to mitigate future tax

Those who register to the event will be sent a link to the webinar a day prior to the event.

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

Register Here

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Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference 551744. Our registered office: Scotch Corner, London Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0ER. Registered in England No. 7428363. www.old.ascotwm.com Unless otherwise stated, the information in this document was valid on 3rd February 2017. Not all the services and investments described are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Tax, trust and company administration services are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The services described may not be suitable for all and you should seek appropriate advice. This document is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purpose or sale of any financial instrument by Ascot Wealth Management Limited. The information and opinions expressed herein are considered valid at publication, but are subject to change without notice and their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission. © 2017 Ascot Wealth Management Ltd. Please note: This website uses cookies. To continue to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used.